Total Online Presence Audit

Total Online Presence Audit

We find out why your marketing is not working and show you how to improve it.

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Web Presence Audit

Do you feel like your presence online is not working for you, but not sure where to start to fix it? This Web Presence Audit will examine how your business is performing online and provides actionable steps to improve it.

A man in a hat and bow tie is looking through a magnifying glass

Find Out How to Improve Your Web Presence:

A comprehensive audit of your online presence will show your weaknesses and opportunities for your online marketing, and identify the highest priorities for optimizing your web presence.

Over the past 25 years, we have literally reviewed thousands of web presences. In almost all cases, a few small changes can make huge differences in your success online! We have developed a streamlined approach to review web presences and uncover these improvements.

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Let us audit your online presence and show you how to get the most from your online marketing. We will create a detailed report, covering all elements of your web presence, and showing you the priorities your business will need to work on in order to improve your search engine rankings and get found online. This is not an automated report, but a fully manual process, covering all areas of your online presence:

  • A complete Review of your Website : we look at content, speed, mobile-friendliness, user experience and call to action. We also alert you to any technical issues and security risks.
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO): how well is your website optimized for ranking on Google’s search results pages? We look at the technical setup, structured data, metadata of individual webpages (such as title tag and description tag), and backlinks.
  • Your Social Media presence: social media offers a platform to publish your content, as well as an opportunity to interact with your audience and engage with your customers. How well is your Social Media serving your web presence?
  • Your Local Presence : We review your Google My Business listing and your presence on online directories such as YellowPages and Yelp. We check whether your name, address and phone number are correctly registered, and on which important directories you’re missing out.
  • What is your Online Reputation ? 88% of online shoppers use reviews as part of the purchase decision, and Google considers reviews when ranking websites. What is your e-reputation? We will review all online reviews for your company, and identify trouble areas.
  • Do you use Online Advertising such as Google Adwords and Facebook Ads? We will review your campaigns, compare them to industry averages and identify the ‘low hanging fruit’ that will improve the performance.
  • Finally, we will do Competitive Research to compare your web presence with your closest competitors and find opportunities to get a competitive advantage.

We present the results to you in a one-hour online meeting which is recorded so you can review details at your convenience. We will also show you what elements of your web presence have the highest priority and will give you a plan of action for their improvement. 

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What's next? Implementing your digital marketing strategy

Once we have a clear overview of your online presence, then we can take your business through the following phases of creating an effective digital marketing system:

Digital marketing strategy

Your website and digital marketing is an investment that should reduce your cost of operations and generate leads for your business, convert them to customers and retain their loyalty. We provide a clear and measurable digital marketing strategy that is laser-targeted on your ideal client and on how you differentiate yourself from the competition. 

Based on the digital marketing strategy you are ready to create or improve your business website.
Your website has two functions:

  1. your website should save you on operational expenses with a deep integration with your business systems. This way you create efficiency, reduce cost and remove human mistakes from repetitive processes
  2. your website should generate leads for your business, guide leads through the different stages of the customer journey, and convert them to clients.

Read more about our methodical approach to website development.

When your website is launched, you are ready to implement a digital marketing system that delivers leads to your business. We use a predictable marketing system with a 5x ROI guarantee, based on the Duct Tape Marketing System. It is a comprehensive approach to marketing with all relevant marketing tactics working in collaboration to generate leads and convert them to clients:

digital marketing system comprising of website development, content platform, search engine optimization, social media, reputation, outreach and digital advertising

Digital marketing strategy sits at the heart of your online marketing system. We implement the strategy by:

  • updating and optimizing your website, which is essential for a competitive online presence,
  • content marketing to answers the needs of your ideal client,
  • search engine optimization to ensure your website is optimized for search engine ranking,
  • creating awareness and engagement with social media marketing,
  • raising your online reputation with reviews and backlinks from other sites,
  • engaging leads and clients with email marketing, SMS outreach and sales automation,
  • and using online advertising to capture demand from people ready to engage.

Finally, we measure success with analytics and reporting on Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).

On the internet, everything is measurable. That is the main difference with traditional marketing! However, the amount of information we can get from such tools as Google Analytics can be quite overwhelming, and nobody has the time to go through all the details.

We will identify the Key Performance Indicators for you, and establish a dashboard to keep track of these metrics. This allows us to optimize your digital marketing strategy over time.

Read more about our Digital Marketing Services.

Would you like to know more?

Total Online Presence Audit - Contact Us

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Book your FREE strategy session!

Book your free strategy session now! In the meantime, download your free "7-Step Guide to Fix your Site" for B2B companies. Meet some of the clients we have helped to get leads for their business and a measurable ROI on their marketing. 
Stop wasting money on marketing that doesn't work and being frustrated about not getting leads from your website, and instead have a marketing system that works and increases your bottom line. 
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