Blog Post

Digital Marketing is a System

Thomas Hess • May 22, 2024

Are you overwhelmed by all the different options available in digital marketing nowadays? Many business owners feel they are wasting their money on marketing and are tired of not seeing measurable results. 

This article will show you how to streamline your marketing efforts and create a cohesive system that works for your business. It describes a comprehensive digital marketing system that covers all the elements you need for your B2B business. It's a 360-degree system where all elements work together to generate leads for your business and convert them to clients.

Elements of a digital marketing system for B2B companies

Here is an overview of the Digital Marketing System we’ll discuss:

A diagram showing the process of building a website from Mawazo Marketing

It’s a comprehensive platform of tactics working together to bring prospects to your business and convert them into clients. 

Strategy sits at the heart of your online marketing. We implement the strategy by:

  • updating and optimizing your website is essential for a competitive online presence,
  • publishing content that answers the needs of your ideal client,
  • optimizing website and content for search engine ranking,
  • creating awareness and engagement on social media,
  • raising your online reputation with reviews and links from other sites,
  • engaging leads and clients with email / SMS outreach and sales automation,
  • and using online advertising to capture demand from people ready to engage.

Finally we’ll look at the analytics you need to measure the effectiveness of your digital marketing.

Let's look at each of these in more detail:

Strategy is the foundation of effective marketing

The philosophy of "strategy before tactics" is at the heart of the system, and the core of the strategy is pretty straightforward: know who your ideal client is and how you stand out from your competitors.

Understand your ideal client

Business owners often don’t have a clear idea of who their clients are. When a business is growing, you may be eager to take on any business that comes your way. It's easy to fall into the trap of thinking, "I can help anyone and everyone," but not every client is an ideal client. 

Ideal clients are easy to work with, they pay their bills on time, are profitable for your business, and introduce you to their network. The key to success is creating a crystal clear picture of your ideal client and the problems and frustrations they are dealing with. 

A person is pointing at a target with a red pin

Differentiate your company from the competition

Competing on price is a race to the bottom: there's always a competitor ready to go lower. The key is to make your business unique in the eyes of your ideal clients by showing how you solve the problem of your ideal client better than your competitors. 

A red pepper is sitting in the middle of a pile of green peppers.

Create a core message

When you have defined your ideal client and your differentiator, then it's time to articulate this in your core message. Think of it as your elevator pitch: a clear, concise statement that targets the problems your ideal customers want to solve and clearly identifies how you are different from your competitors.

A person is holding a light bulb in their hand.

Case Study: Resolution Inplant Services

How our digital marketing strategy identified ideal prospects and differentiated Resolution Inplant Services from the competition, so they could attract highly profitable clients at scale.

A computer monitor displaying a website for Resolution Inplant Services

By adopting the Strategy First approach you're building a foundation for sustainable growth and a strong online presence. It ensures that all marketing efforts are aligned with the core of what makes your business the unique solution for your ideal clients.

A website to save cost and generate leads

In the digital age, a website is not just an online brochure; it's a dynamic tool that serves two critical functions for your B2B field service business:

Save cost by integrating with your business system

Your website isn’t just a glorified billboard and shouldn’t be a marketing cost. By integrating with your business systems, your website can eliminate inefficient, manual processes and save costs. Larger companies that have been around for many years often have very well-established processes, but they may have become inefficient over time as systems and technology have evolved.

By digitizing and automating these processes, such as moving from manual order-taking to an integrated online system, you significantly reduce overhead costs and improve customer experience.

A group of people are sitting around a table with laptops and papers.

Increase profit and improve customer experience by integrating digital technologies into all aspects of your business, and by making your website an integral part of your business systems. 

Engage leads and convert them into customers

The second, equally important role of your website is to be found by potential leads for your business and turn visitors into customers. This goes beyond a nice design; it's about making your website a solution-oriented platform for your clients. To achieve this:

  • Focus on your client's problems: Your website should immediately address the problems your clients face. It's not about you; it's about them and how you can solve their issues.
  • Differentiation: Explain how you solve these problems, what makes your approach unique, and why clients should trust you over competitors.
  • Process: What are the main steps you guide your clients through to get them from where they are to where they want to be?
  • Call to action: Make it clear what the next step is for the visitor. Whether it's contacting you, downloading a guide, or scheduling a consultation, guide them to the next phase of engagement.

Case study: warehouse and inventory system

Dramatically improved efficiency of operations with a custom warehousing and inventory system, integrated with an eCommerce website and Quickbooks Online.

A laptop computer is open to a website for das parts.

Your website is an essential component of your digital marketing strategy. Integrate it with your business systems to save cost and eliminate inefficiency, and optimize it to efficiently engage visitors and convert them into loyal customers.

Content marketing is the voice of your strategy

Clients often come to us for a “website refresh”. They ask for a new design and tell us to copy over the content from the old website. With the new design, they hope to attract more visitors and generate more leads. 

Well, that won’t work.

Design is important, but it is the content that will attract visitors to your website, and it’s the content and functionality that will convert an anonymous visitor from a self-identified lead.

In digital marketing, content is the voice of your strategy. It speaks directly to your customers' needs educates your clients, and positions you as a thought leader in your field.

When you take a strategic approach to content creation, then it’s not confined to your website but extends to emails, social media, press releases, ebooks, and more. The key is consistency and relevance across all platforms.

The timeless essence of marketing

Marketing, at its core, hasn’t changed. It’s still about building a relationship where customers get to know, like, and trust you. This journey leads them to try your service, buy your product, return for more, and refer you to their network. Content plays a pivotal role in this journey by providing value and building trust.

A graphic showing the stages of marketing , sales , and service.

Mapping out your content strategy

At its core, the content that you generate should answer all questions and concerns your clients may have, and establish your company as an authority in your industry. 

Creating a comprehensive content strategy involves the following steps:

  1. Identify all relevant topics: outline all the topics relevant to your business and your customers' needs.
  2. Create a content directory: Choose a main broad topic relevant in your industry, and and create a directory of subtopics and individual articles that cover this topic. This will become the roadmap for your content creation.
  3. Create hub pages: once you have a substantial amount of content on a particular topic, consider creating a hub page on your website. This page links all related content into a comprehensive treatment of the topic, showcasing your authority and making your website more findable in Google search results.

Case study: Lift & Shift hub page

For our client Lift & Shift we created a comprehensive hub page titled "The Ultimate Guide to B2B Loyalty Programs" This page links to all relevant blog posts, forming a rich resource hub. Such an approach enhances user experience and confirms your authority on the topic to search engines like Google. 

Lift and Shift Hubpage by Mawazo Marketing

By aligning your content with your strategy and the customer journey, you inform and educate your audience and build a lasting relationship. Content marketing is not just about producing articles; it's about addressing your customer’s needs and establishing your business as the expert in your field.

Search Engine Optimization makes your website findable

Having a website that can’t be found on Google is like printing a brochure and locking it away in a cabinet. The holy grail in digital marketing is to rank number 1 spot on the Google search engine results pages. 

Getting to number 1 takes a lot of consistent effort over a period of time. It’s the domain of the SEO specialists who will work on optimizing your website and its content for Google ranking. If you ask them what they to make that happen, then they’ll make it sound very complicated, but essentially it’s about three things:

  1. Website structure - Is your website well-structured? Is it safe and secure? Is it easy to navigate on a mobile phone? Does it load fast?
  2. The content on your website - Does each product or service have its own page? Is there sufficient content on your website to answer the questions of your clients? Is the content organized so that search engines can easily understand it? 
  3. The attention your website gets from other websites - Which other websites are linking to your website? Are these authoritative websites? These “backlinks” act like votes of confidence, signalling to search engines that your content is valuable and relevant.

Search Engine Optimization is not a one-time setup; it's an ongoing strategy to ensure your business is easily found by potential clients. 

Local SEO is a game-changer for local businesses

Google is very good at identifying the intent of a search. For example, if you search for “how to fix toilet”, then you will find YouTube videos with instructions. If you search for “plumber near me” then you’ll find a list of plumbing companies in your area. 

Getting found for locally relevant searches is important if your business has one or more physical locations that target local customers. That’s where local SEO comes in: 

  • Optimized Google Business Profile: This allows you to list your services and contact information, post articles, and even let people book appointments.
  • Presence in business directories - Your business details should be consistently listed across directories such as Yelp, YellowPages, and the Better Business Bureau.
  • Location pages on your website - Do you have a page on your website dedicated to each location, with relevant information such as opening hours, contact information and services provided?

Case study: SEO Horton Automatics

Since 2017, we have optimized the web presence of Horton Automatics of Ontario for search engine ranking. In 2022, our Digital Marketing System delivered 20% annual growth and $1.5M in sales, with 15x Return on Investment. Based on this success, the ten sister companies of Door Services Corporation have now merged into a new web presence that competes well with its nationwide competitors.

Horton Automatics SEO result by Mawazo Marketing

Search Engine Optimization makes your website findable on the web. It means having a well-structured website with relevant content that answers the needs of your target audience and working on improving how your website is perceived and talked about across the internet.

Social media marketing builds awareness

Social media has had a massive impact on the way we communicate. Just one example says it all: Facebook has 3 billion monthly active users, and they spend an average of half an hour per day on the platform! For businesses, social media is a powerful platform to create awareness of their products and services, connect with their target audience, and showcase the human side of their business.

However, many businesses don’t have a clear plan on how they can use social media to connect and engage with their customers. They often worry about the time and effort required to produce content for social media, and they find it difficult to measure the return on their investment.

When you implement a comprehensive Digital Marketing System, those concerns are no longer relevant. Social media is essentially a free publishing platform for your business. And when you have a clear strategy and produce relevant content for your website, most of the work of creating social media posts is already done. 

A publishing platform for your content

In your strategy you have defined your ideal client. Which social media platforms does your target audience use, and which online communities do they engage with? Establish a presence wherever your ideal clients are, and engage them by repurposing the rich content you have created for your website. 

Simply turn every article and blog post into a series of engaging social media posts and spread them out over the year. This approach not only saves time but also ensures consistency across all your digital platforms.

There is another important role social media can play for your business:

Showcasing your human side

Social media excels in showing the personal, human aspect of your company. It's not just about business updates; it's about connecting with your audience on a more personal level.

Personal stories and glimpses into your company culture often see far more engagement than standard ‘business’ posts. For instance, a remodelling company we worked with shared a post featuring the owner's baby in a company polo. This post got a lot more engagement than any of the others, showcasing the power of personal touch in social media.

The key to successful social media marketing is authenticity. It's about capturing and sharing moments that resonate with your audience. This isn't something that can be outsourced or faked. It's about taking those genuine moments from your business – be it a team event, a behind-the-scenes look, or customer stories – and sharing them with your audience.

By using social media within a comprehensive Digital Marketing System, you repurpose the content you create to answer the needs of your audience into bite-sized engaging posts and spread them out over the year. By sharing genuine personal stories from your business you engage with your customers and build a community.

Manage your online reputation

Online ratings and reviews are your digital word-of-mouth. Here is a great statistic: according to research by Brightlocal, 91% of people read online reviews, and 84% trust them as much as personal recommendations. 

Good online reviews are important for every business, but particularly for those companies that have a local presence. Many of our clients are B2B field service companies. Their technicians will service clients from local offices within a certain geographic region. Their potential customers will often look for help with the a “near me” question:

A screenshot of a google map showing the business details with google review

Which supplier would you choose? Likely the one with the most reviews and the highest rating, even though they are in 3rd position! That’s why it’s important that your digital marketing system consistently generates positive reviews for your business. 

Getting good ratings and reviews online involves the following steps:

  1. Customer service
    The first step, of course, is to provide excellent service to your customers. Your digital marketing strategy has made that possible by focusing on your ideal client and identifying your differentiator. 
  2. Asking for reviews
    Many of your customers will agree to publish a review online if you actively reach out and ask. We use the Net Promoter Score approach and generally get a 2% to 5% response rate with our review request process. That may not seem high, but it will lead to a consistent stream of positive reviews over time.
  3. Reply to reviews
    Replying to reviews is important. A study published in the Harvard Business Review found that hotels that respond to customer reviews increase their occupancy rates if they respond to at least 50% of the reviews they receive. 
  4. Showcase your reviews
    Publishing your best reviews on your website helps to build trust and credibility with visitors. A less obvious advantage is that relevant reviews on a web page help with Search Engine Optimization. 

Customers are hesitant to engage with businesses that have low ratings. Start by delivering great service to your ideal clients and then actively ask them for an online review. Think of reputation management as a digital megaphone that amplifies the voice of your satisfied customers and grows the credibility of your business.

Outreach engages and grows your audience

When your online presence is compelling, then it’s time to entice more people to engage with it. That’s where outreach comes in. It includes all efforts to reach out to your leads and clients and to automate lead generation.

For a B2B company the most compelling outreach methods generally are email, SMS and LinkedIn. Email is the most widely used and easiest way to start an outreach campaign, so let’s focus on email marketing.

Email marketing

Email marketing continues to offer the best return on investment in digital marketing. Sending a regular email newsletter is a tried-and-tested method for a company to nurture leads and maintain relationships with your existing clients. 

It may seem like a massive effort to create a bi-weekly or monthly newsletter, but by including it in a comprehensive digital marketing system, you have already done the heavy lifting. The content you generate and publish on your website is excellent material for an email newsletter. 

Grow your email database with a sales funnel

After the introduction of CASL in 2014, it is not allowed to send emails with commercial messages to Canadian businesses and individuals without their consent. So as a Canadian B2B company, you’ll have to find a different way to grow your email database.

Creating a sales funnel on your website is a great way to do that:

  • It starts with having downloadable content on your website such as a free checklist or ebook to grab attention and gather contact details. 
  • Next, an email drip campaign nurtures these leads by providing valuable information and maintaining interest. 
  • Finally, you direct these warmed-up leads to a landing page that encourages them to take action, such as scheduling a demo or consultation. 
  • When it’s all working well, then you can send additional traffic to that web page with advertising

This is a how the above simple sales funnel looks like:

a simple sales funnel by Mawazo Marketing

Keep your clients engaged with a regular email newsletter based on the content you generate for your website. Grow your email database by building a sales funnel with a content upgrade and by reaching out to our target audience with a LinkedIn outreach campaign.

Online advertising captures existing demand

Advertising is the last element of the digital marketing system for B2B companies. When everything is set up properly your website will start to generate leads already. Using online advertising allows you to increase the lead flow when you need it.

It’s like opening a tap to increase the water pressure…

There are many ways to advertise online, and they broadly fit into two categories:

  • Advertising to people who are looking for your service;
  • Advertising to your target audience.
A black and white photo of a faucet with water running out of it.

For B2B companies we generally recommend Google Ads and Bing Ads when advertising for potential clients who are searching for your product or service. Facebook and LinkedIn Ads are ideal for bringing your message to your ideal client.

Google Ads and Bing Ads are powerful tools for capturing “high-intent” leads. When someone searches on Google for a specific service or product, your ad will be at the top of the page (see Google Search Engine Results Page Explained). When your ad is formulated correctly, you will capture those leads who are ready to make a purchase and bring them to your website.

Does it work? Absolutely! Advertising income is currently almost 80% of Google’s income (Statista). All those companies wouldn’t advertise on Google if it didn’t work!

The nice thing about online advertising is that you can precisely measure the return on your advertising spend, so you will know whether your advertising is profitable or not. 

Online advertising can also be used to leverage the name of a strong competitor. You can target people who are searching for your competitor's brand name and entice them to visit your website instead!

Facebook and LinkedIn Ads - reach your target audience

In the B2B market space, people buy from people, not from companies. Facebook and LinkedIn are great for reaching out to your ideal clients because these platforms know so much about you! You can target your ads to individuals based on their demographics, interests, and behaviours to make sure you reach the people who are most likely to be interested in your product or service.

Advantages and disadvantages of online advertising

The advantage of online advertising is that you can get results quickly at a measurable return. The disadvantage is that in the long run, it’s more expensive than attracting leads to your web presence organically.

Online advertising is a great tool in your digital marketing system to attract leads quickly and at a measurable return on investment. Use Google Ads and Bing Ads to capture demand from people who are already looking for your product or service. Facebook and LinkedIn Ads are great to reach reach out to your target audience.

This completes the digital marketing system for B2B companies. However, this overview wouldn’t be complete without a quick review of analytics. 

Analytics - measuring success and refining strategy

One of the main advantages of digital marketing is the ability to measure results in real-time. This allows businesses to see what's working and what's not and adjust strategies accordingly.

It’s important to decide upfront which results you are trying to achieve with digital marketing. What are your business goals, and what results do you expect from digital marketing to achieve those goals. When the goals are defined, then you can select the metrics to measure progress towards these goals.

At its most basic you will want to implement Google Analytics as well as a call-tracking system.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a free tool that helps you understand who visits your website and how they interact with it. It tracks data like the number of visitors, where they come from, and which pages they spend the most time on. It allows you to define the metrics you want to track as conversion events and track them over time. This allows you to make informed decisions about your digital marketing.

Call Tracking

Call tracking lets you see how potential customers find your business phone number. It works by assigning different phone numbers to each of your marketing efforts. For example, you can have a dedicated phone number on your Google Business Profile, another number on your website, and even dedicated numbers on your vehicles. When someone calls a number the tool records which campaign they responded to. With call tracking, you can better understand what attracts your clients. 

Implementing Google Analytics and call tracking allowed us to know precisely how much revenue we generate for our client Horton Automatics. Our Digital Marketing Systems delivered 20% annual growth and $1.5M in sales in 2022, with 15x Return on Investment.

A graph showing the number of visitors to a website

When set up correctly, analytics gives you the insights that guide your business and marketing decisions. Refine your marketing strategy and your digital marketing system with real-time reporting on key metrics.

Do you have any questions on the above, or would you like to share your experience? Just email or call +1 (833) 503-0807.

At Mawazo Marketing we work with owners of B2B companies who want to accelerate their business. We help them with a concrete digital growth plan, a  website that saves operational cost, and a digital marketing system that generates leads. For qualifying clients we offer a 5x ROI guarantee: if we don't reach the objective, then we pay back the difference. Book a Free Strategy Session to find out more.

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