As a business owner you need actionable information rather than detailed data. We deliver monthly reports on your complete web presence which are short and easy to digest, and focus on the essentials.
We track data right from the start and you will receive a monthly analysis of your online presence which focuses on Key Performance Indicators. This allows you to maximize the return on investment from your online marketing efforts, make informed decisions and see steadily improving results.
Together we agree on Lead Value based on the average gross margin of an additional client and your conversion rate. We then track every lead we generate for you online and measure the individual value of every phone call you receive, every request for service, every email subscription etc.
We provide clear analytics and regular comprehensive reporting, in particular for the value generated. Our online marketing system:
However, our reports provide a summary of all other information available on your web presence:
We report on all traditional measures of digital marketing, but most importantly we report on the value we create for your business. Here you see the $3.2M value generated for Horton Automatics of Ontario in 2022:
Fractional CMO
Custom App Development
Web Hosting
Are you ready to generate leads?