
A logo for a company called skinli with a cross on it

Be the first to get the Kinli App!

Kinli is genuine help for weight management. It is first of its kind, developed by Board Certified Obesity Specialists and IT experts. It harnesses the best of medical evidence and technology, including and not limited to AI, smartphones, digital learning, and virtual care, to create a new standard of care which was not previously possible. 

Kinli empowers users with a simple, prioritized and personalized weight intervention, designed to meet you where you are. Kinli can be used as your sole intervention, or it can augment other interventions you find helpful. 

Simply put, Kinli is designed to make sure you’re getting exactly what you need when you need it. It gives you access to the tools and information you need, and more importantly it filters out ones you don't. Kinli ensures your journey is as easy, impactful, and as fun as possible so that you can take the weight off and keep it off, indefinitely and safely.

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A blue and red cross with a caduceus in the middle.
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